All my life I've heard persons talk about how fanstastic, majestetic and astonishing this counrty is. To be quite frank with you I've never really understood all the fuzz about it. But now when I travel though it, almost all the way, I undersand. I've fallen in love with my own country. I'd love to show you a picture of what I've been seeing the last few day. The beauty of my own country.

These photos from the trip are quite random. Just to give you an idea of my last few days. Hopefully, or maybe not as that would mean I'm bored, I'll have time to post some more later and comment all of the pictures. In otherwords is this post likely to be modified.
Adding these pictures I realise that they are really not worthy of showing you my country. My country is much more beautiful. Maybe I one day will have time to travel through it again and take all the pictures I want and capture the real beauty. It should be said that all of the photos are taken from the car. We didn't really have time to stop. But at least, by showing you these you might get an idea of the beauty. Probably not... But... Nah... Enjoy these few and hope for more to come.
~ Panda
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