Thursday 22 April 2010

The Way of the Soul

Or "In Memoriam" by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The most frequently quoted lines in the poem are perhaps
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
This stanza is to be found in Canto 27. The last two lines are usually taken, out of context, as offering advice on the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However the lines actually refer to the death of a beloved friend. (jupp quoted from wikipedia, nice friend when you're tired, lonely and seeing double"

Currently I'm fascinated by a lot of random stuff. Everything from poems and literature, to illness suck as Todd's syndrome. A fun fact about Todd's syndrome is actually that it's also called Alice in Wonderland syndrome, and it's said that Lewis Carroll suffered from it. Hence the writing of the book. I find a lot about this disease really fascinating, but to avoid starting to speak gibberish I'll leave it up to you to follow the link and read some more about it. I can't hold myself from telling a little thing though, this is exactly the way I feel every time I get new glasses. 2 inches tall, though never hitting the ground when walking, like I'm flying. GREAT!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

A bucket for the mademoiselle!

Panda is a girl who like so many other girls loves tea. She'll choose tea over coffee any day. Being such a tea cute sponge she has managed to effect the beloved Trampe to peek into the wonderful world of tea. The only drawback about this is the unfortunate effect it has on her favourite cups. Or to be accurate; the largest cup she ever owned. That being up to today. As Trampe has put his hand on Panda's wanna-bucket, and now gotten is as a "welcome to the world of tea"-present, we got out today and bought a REAL bucket for Panda.

Not a good picture as Panda had to compromise it to get it taken in the bad electrical light. And her MAC is quite new so she haven't got Photoshop or knows how to turn standing pictures to post them.

In China they have a wonderful saying about tea;
To kiss someone is like trying to drink tea from a tea-strainer, one never get satisfied.

And to round it all of, in honour of this great happening we're sharing Trampe's alarm and ringtone with you. One of the great Sting's best songs according to Panda.

Monday 15 February 2010

Hjemme og tilbake til norsk

Siden man blogget sist har mye skjedd. Jeg ble utbrent av skolen, økonomien ser ikke så pen ut som man kunne ønske og følelsene for deg kjære Trampe er overveldende!
Det er mye man kan si og skrive, men jeg vet ikke hva jeg egentlig skal si for jeg begynner en ny vei innen blogging. Jeg vet ikke om jeg noen gang har vært det, men nå vil jeg ikke være utleverende om hvem jeg er når jeg blogger. Jeg vil ikke bli en typisk "tennåringsblogger" som skriver relativt overfladisk.
Men hva skjer nå for tiden;
jeg prøver å få livet på plass i en sykemeldt/arbeidsløs tilværelse. Klær vaskes, ting strikkes, jeg finner min plass i leiligheten til Trampe (som kanskje er litt min óg?), jeg er reltaivt pengelens og prøver å finne ut hva jeg skal gjøre med tiden som er nå mens jeg drømmer om framtiden.

Til slutt vil jeg bare si dette til deg Trampe;
